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Old 12-11-2009, 11:37 AM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
I may jump ship altogether and go to GSM, with VZW being overpriced and sprint being underphoned... all they need are some good phones, I don't get why they sit on great phones when they see what the competition is rolling out. How do you still have only one android device...
Hey Orangekid, Sprint has two android devices. the Hero and Samsung Moment. I was over there yesterday taking a hard look at both of them. I like the Hero but was surprised at the screen. Resolution is a step down, however, the Moment has great resolution and a 800mhz processor. problem is the hero ui is more complete. the moment is running the base android platform. I think overall the moment has more potential than the Hero, but nobody knows since its not really discussed that much. All in all, I am not going to use an upgrade on either at this time.
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