Originally Posted by butler360
The newest Skyfire (1.5) is a really good overhaul as well. Betwe.
I think the Skyfire updates are marginal at best.
It claims to fully suopport WVGA, but text still looks
far worse on SF than any other browser. The speed is not great either, while using kinetic scrolling I am constantly looking at that damn checkerboard screen(this doesn't happen to me with
ANY other browser)
Panning is messed up etc etc
I imagine the speed issue will resolve itself as more & more people realize it really isn't all that great & go back to their previous choices (freeing up the server load).
I will continue to do the same thing I have always done, use SF when I absolutely have to have flash on certain sites but use OperaMini the other 95% of the time for a
MUCH more enjoyeable browsing experience.