Originally Posted by heydjbobby74
Hmm... I'll have to look into this as I have become a bit of a quick learner on this whole calendar issue.... I'll keep you updated. But real quick, could you give me kind of a scenario of what you are talking about? What other calendars could you sync over the air besides Google calendar?
Not other calendars, one Google account with various calendars within the account. If I create an event on my primary, then it will sync. If I create an event with another calendar, then it will only show on my phone and won't sync. I can't create with my primary and then change the calendar I choose. You can only do that when working with a web based browser like ie. I hop that doesn't confuse you
I know this has been discussed on other forums as well, but nothing has come of it unfortunately. I miss OggSync on WM, that worked like a charm
Which is crazy since this is their own product and it looks good, but doesn't operate as good as it should, thanks.