Originally Posted by xcon
I am working with Dehx mainly trying to help him develop themes for TouchOne, I'm sure I could develop a graphical volume control but it would be up to him to code/program etc... And because he is hard at work trying to make sure that all the bugs / glitches are worked out of the .2a release so there isn't any whining I doubt he'll be able to get around to it in the very near future.
However, I'm certain once the .2a release is done he might be able to do something for you. In the mean time I can throw together some graphical ideas for it so they're ready, did you want something along the same line as the stock volume controller?
i.e. a black glossy themed one with simple dashes to display the volume level
If you had something else in mind by all means post it up and let me know so I can figure something out for ya.
yeah i was tryin to be rude expecting more from dehx, i am really looking forward to .2a, and i know he is very hard at work on it
to be honest i would like it if the htc stock one could just be re-enabled, but since i lack programming knowledge, i don't even know how to trouble shoot the issue of the winmo dialer breaking the htc volume control. so to answer your question, i am fond of the stock usability. if it came down to a whole new control being created i could go for something new and custom (we all like that!). maybe like a volume knob that you could rotate, nice and big, finger friendly.
but like i said, the stock is fine. and thanks for the reply. keep up your hard work theme-ing, can't wait for this, it'll be christmas a week early here in the touchone thread, haha.
thanks again xcon and dehx