Originally Posted by cmart4
works awesome on my att pure. one problem though is when i have email and tap the email icon it takes me to the outlook email account which then is frozen, so I can't send texts or send/check email, i have to close out to the main TouchOne screen. not a memory issue as i have 80-90 mb free. didn't have this issue with SPB Mobile 3.5 or TF3d. I have the security fix and net 3.5 already installed to main memory. Other than this headache, love the speedy app! someone please help!
I uninstalled TouchOne and no longer have the above issue. I do want to use the app tho, it's great. Any suggestions? I followed the instructions verbatim on the dehx.net site
This issue will be fixed in 0.2a, as you will be able to place the correct email icon that you normally use, on the homescreen.