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Old 12-10-2009, 10:57 PM
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Re: Should JUICY cook HTC messaging back into R6 ?

Originally Posted by Imaginos View Post
Ever receive a gift from someone that they hand-made? Sweaters or some nice woodwork for example. Where that person put a lot of effort into making something and then gave it to you. Would you say to the person something like "This is nice, but can you redo it more to my liking?" This poll kinda stuck me as that kind of lack of tact.

I would have gone the way of tabling it as a discussion - "Hey Juicy. Noticed you removed this functionality that we've seen in other roms/builds. It affects this and that. Was there a problem somewhere that this was the best solution?"
I don't understand why you and other people keep pointing this out. we understand juicy puts his hard time into it and yes of course he will do what he wants (even though he makes the roms for the community, not for himself, so this poll is definitely worthy of an answer. more then likely juicy has a customized rom he runs for himself, but who knows) but asking for a consensus is not a problem. for those who keep saying its juicy's choice, we all know that and are just wasting your time. The op asked a simple question and if you don't want to answer then go about your business and don't spam his thread.
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