Re: Windows 6.1 Roms
Ok, so I managed to fix two out of the three.
I got rid of the annoying piano sound when I hit the hard end button by disabling the beep sounds when dialing. (Phone/Tools/Options/Keypad: Off)
If you just want to remove that annoying beep when pressing end and keep the dial sounds then just remove the registry entry.
Camera videos and wmv's play in the htc album by installing the following in order.
1) FSP, DShow, WMP, YouTube, Video
The fix cab from that link doesn't work. This one does.
Now only thing I have left is the task manager icon issue. I've checked the installed programs with sktools and found no trace of it.
Last edited by latepenguin; 12-11-2009 at 09:38 PM.
Reason: Found the real cause for my end beep issue!