Originally Posted by Adrianh85
i have been using this program since my 6700 and now that i have a tp2 this is the first time that it hasnt worked correctly!! i two are having problems with txts and my tp2
Samething here, i dont know whats up...
Originally Posted by hathetran
i use to have this problem with my mogul..it would only restore either what i said or what the other person in the conversation said but never both..havent tried it on my tp2 yet though
Thats the thing its restoring both just not threaded
Originally Posted by 2k4mach
use non threaded to restore. then once there restored change it back to threaded.
they will then be threaded
Where is that option? I remember seeing it in the TP1 but i dont see it in the TP2?
Originally Posted by stevecn70
I've seen this problem a lot. And even if they are threaded, they are in some wierd funky order. I think because the threading is based somewhat on the order it is in the PIM.VOL file instead of the actual date and time. So when you restore, they are restored in some other order, probably by contact instead of in the order they were sent and received.
Yea I have had that before and thats cool just now its not threaded...
Any idea how to fix this guys or a better way to backup txts? The strange thing is that its only a few days that are not threaded and the rest are....i can see if all were but only a day or so arent....strange