Originally Posted by jlh11364
It there a trick to the removal cab? I have installed twice and reset, doesn't seem to work.........edited, until you do the personalizer on top.
Now if I could only change the font color
There have been several diff releases of Imagios...some have a red Verizon logo to the top right across from the spelled out "Verizon Wireless" in white to the left and some dont...the removal cab is for the people who have the red logo on the right. The Personalize zip is to change the white "Verizon Wireless" to what ever you want. Hope that clears it up.
And what I mean by diff releases are that there are some very minor differences between the Imagios that were shipped out first to the ones that people are getting now...very minor differences ie...color changes to the highlight color areas. For example...mine is a light blue and my moms is a shade of red.