Originally Posted by maxtcee
try to reinstall them sontimes when you reinstall them they uninstall by themself and just for the record there not my cabs i just happen to pass them along
I know there not yours. I called them "yours" so you would know which ones I was talking about. Trust me, you have done nothing but make my phone 20 times better. And you wern't talking to me when you gave those cabs out. I did it on my own (i love everything you do and copy it).....
But my probelm is when I
UN-INSTALL those two Cabs and try to get my phone back to
Non-4 colums Programs and start. Thats the weird part. I uninstall and the bottom two choices "programs & remove" stay. When i go back and reinstall those two cabs it works normal again but has that skewed thing i told you about.
so something to do with uninstalling those does something to the imagio. The setting that get skewed isn't that bad to live with. I just didn't know if you knew a trick about uninstalling them properly. (like do they need to be uninstalled in order or something???/does a reg edit need to be done after ununstall????). Just asking. If you don't know than no big deal.....I like the 4 colums so much that I think i would rather live with it than without it. thanks as always !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and keep teaching me your tricks.....(even though their not always yours per say)