Originally Posted by mikejones13
I ran the version cooked in Mighty Mikes rom. The way it worked is, first flash the rom. I did the hard reset after it was done. I let it run the setup all the way then went to system folder (MM's ROM) and found the provisioning cab. I hit the SPRINT one and hit commit. The phone installed a cab and reset. Its all done, no hard reset or anything like that just a regular softreset. Then I'm good to go MMS works and sprint tv. I haven't had a chance to try it on TP1 yet but will tonight.
Thanks for the response. Ahhhh yes, the cooked in version. Hmmmm, well every time I run Mr X cab, it screws up my data & none of my progs can connect to the internet (as a few have reported). I even installed the "sprint cabs" cab that does the Sprint Profile & PRL... but since it can't connect to the internet... guess I'll have to hard reset again...
Not to be negative, but... I wonder if all the "100%" magic isn't in the new WVGA cab file itself!?
(Not brave enough to PM master Calk or Mighty Mike)