Originally Posted by richardrk
Guess what guys... I have HTC messaging working in my Juicy ROM... But I had to go back to R5 to get it. Disabling MMS broke so much stuff, made me feel like I was running EnergyROM. Hope the people that REALLY needed MMS are happy.
Broke what?...I'm a heavy text user and tried to delete after a couple of days. But it was still slow, even the delete process was slow...
I even disabled it prior to R6. It being disabled in R6 has not broken anything for me...
Can you all be more specific as to what it has "broken"?....I for one still think this is a great ROM, no disrespect to NRG, but to compare it to Energy ROM is an 'un-truth'...(yes, i know that's not a word)...lol