Originally Posted by jmorton10
I have a cab for Opera 9.5 16643 that was tweaked by NFSFAN & I like it so much I use it in every flash I do.
When I went to Juicy's ROM, it had 9.7 & I didn't really like it, so I immediately installed this same cab. One thing I like is, it has the zoom slider on the bottom of the screen. I find this much easier & more accurate than using the default TP2 slider. It auto-rotates & is totally tweaked for extra tabs/increased speed etc etc
I then use Skyfire for flash & Opera Mini for SUPER fast surfing.
can u post that cab and will that replace my current opera as my default browser? just curious what didnt u like about 9.7?
EDIT: also where can i find a cab of the stock 9.5 in case i dont like any of the other versions i dont like them?