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Old 12-10-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: $50 for 1st person..internet on HTC Touch Cricket

Originally Posted by khan008 View Post
Hi, I recently purchase an HTC Touch flashed for Cricket (originally for Sprint). I would like to view the internet, especially sites like You Tube, ESPN etc. I can only get basic internet - just page browsing with no media...

I tried downloading the Opera Mini, but that did not work...some error about the internet. The reason i am asking for help is that i am very new to this and do not want to experiment on my own and mess up my phone totally.

Please respond only if you know for certain that you can get the phone to work to surf the net at a good speeds, with streaming videos, music etc. Please note that I have a Cricket Flash on my phone.

Please email me with your contact information, and if we collaborate successfully, I will Paypal $50 to your account. This is the only form of payment I will tender, so please do not ask me to pay via other methods.

Again, I am a novice, you will have to walk me through the whole process...sorry about that in advance!

Thank you!

Please email me at email deleted by Coz
are you running a custom rom? (like the rom that came stock with the phone if you hard reset it?)
and no need for money... as said before, people will do it for free.