Re: The newest Skyfire is out and its awesome!!
Originally Posted by mr_musiq07
I have to agree the new Skyfire is dope...Looks awesome on the TP2. Anyone know how to assign it to the Browser tab. I think i know how to...Confirmation in just a sec............................................... .......................................WORKED! I'm sure you all know this but i'm a newbie so here it is:
1.Go to /Windows folder and delete or rename the file OperaL
2. copy the skyfire.exe from /Program Files/Skyfire into the windows folder
3. Rename it OperaL
4. Soft Reset
Now when you hit Launch Browser on the Internet tab, it should launch Skyfire!!
This is the hard way!!!
Opened Skyfire for the second time; it will asked to set as default browser
If it doesn't?
Open Skyfire hit settings and check off "Set Skyfire as default browser"
Last edited by gutrrob; 12-09-2009 at 06:40 PM.