Re: Hide music from the tab???
I don't recall off the top of my head the exact location, but there is a registry setting for "ringtones" in (guess the follow location, may not be exact) HKLM>Software>HTC>Manila... Somewhere in there, or possibly in it's own "AudioManger" key or something. Actually, it could be under HKCU if not under HKLM. But I played around with it one time to make it not look at a particular folder. I believe there is also another entry you can modify telling it where you music is stored.
Get a registry editor like Total Commander (I prefer Resco Explorer with the Registry addon) and just explore. You'll be amazed at what you will find. I usually just mess with stuff that I am leary about just before I update to a newer ROM since I will be reflashing anyway.
**Backup your stuff first just in case. And don't be scared to break something (breaking as in software, NOT hardware) - that's what Clear Storage is for.