It's not a voice changer, its a program you press record and it records your voice and it plays back what you said in another language such as Frensh or Spanish..
There is a video demo of the iphone version:
I can't find a video of the one on android. The WM app that shares the same name as "talk to me" is a app to have your clock tell you what time it is..
Originally Posted by Dragon2
a app to change your voice??????
I had one on my old tp1 for a while but it messed with something else so I deleted it......but it was cool, my kids could talk in it and id change the pitch so they sounded like old men or chipmunks, and there was a robot voice and a few others, I loved it............. Oh yea it made my phone not ring after opening it................ I forgot what its called but it was awesome..... ill try and brainstorm but theres on out there, for vga atleast..........