Re: Why is TP2 better than iphone
Well here it is, I had the iPhone 3G for 6 months the day it came out and than switched to the TP1 and now I have the TP2 from Sprint. I’m not anyone’s fanboy.
The iPhone is awesome, there is nothing like it. Comparing the iPhone to the TP1, the iPhone BLOWS it out of the water. The TP1 just sucked period.
Now comparing the iPhone to the TP2, the iPhone is a little better because its more refined and functional right out of the box. Now after a few tweaks and trying different ROMS, the TP2 is ALMOST as good as the iPhone but the iPhone is still better but not by much.
The problem with the WM phones is that it requires too much tweaking and dealing with all sorts of cabs to make it work right. The iPhone just works right out of the box. For the common average person who isn’t a computer nerd, the iPhone works well. For the nerds, they probably like the WM devices more because they can mess with it. Also, the iPhone just has more eye candy and “sex appeal” in comparison to WM and its considered the “cool” phone.
Now the main reasons I quit the iPhone is because I couldn’t get a signal and had a lot of missed calls because of ATT and also I don’t think any phone is worth paying $110 a month for a lousy 450 minutes. I’m no sucker.
Now getting Sprint Sero 500 for $30 bucks combined with TP2 to me blows out any iPhone with ATT service. I can use my phone for over 3 months for less than the cost of 1 month with ATT. A whole year of service for Sprint is $360 while the iPhone is $1320, for the price difference, I can buy a 50” LCD TV on sale or 2 laptop computers in just 1 year alone! And the sad part is, I have a good job, drive a luxury car that cost over 50k, live in wealthy area and wear all name brand clothes and I still can’t justify spending that much money on the iPhone!
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