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Old 12-09-2009, 10:08 AM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by vernox701 View Post
Think i'll try this instead
Just some notes from my Verizon roms.

8 Page Pool
Replace the 2.5 Manila with the 2.1 from the unused folder.
Added a couple of additions from another kitchen (Transparent curtains, white clock with black letters)
_skip on the dialer skins, fingerboard, carrier folder, and icontact.
Built with 28011

I used a carrier cab after the build was done, as well as a Verizon based Arcsoft cab. Had to make a registry edit to allow sending of MMS.

This morning after a night of running I am sitting on 20meg free and it is performing very well.

Another question: Has anything changed with the WiFi in 28002 and higher? The reason I ask is that we have LEAP authentication at work. Like many people I could not get this to work due to the configuration of the access point. Apparently if it polls too fast Windows Mobile cannot authenticate.

With this 28002 kitchen, as well as the 28011, I can authenticate perfectly. Since it takes years to make any changes to the networking at work, and most of them are for the negative, I am forced to believe that the build is handling the wireless better, or that the kitchen has a setting built in that helps this.
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