Originally Posted by Noir
I think they blew it in the marketing dept
the droid phone is the worse POS I have ever used and yet it is a popular phone why? Because of marketing.
lmao, really? You have a very "unique" perspective.
Speaking of unique perspectives, here's another one

I loved my WM phone, but I got tired of defending it. They were really the first ones in the mobile OS game and when they didnt have any competition I was amazed at what you could do with WM on such a small portable device. WM was King, so the king sat back in his throne and relaxed and enjoyed being the most powerful. Meanwhile there were rebellions forming. Growing stronger everyday and eager for a chance to dethrone the king, who sat comfortably in his throne, growing fat and lazy and complacent. Content with the "status quo" the king continued to do nothing to improve his kingdom until he noticed one day that he had few followers left

. His kingdom had suddenly been split up amongst 4 new rulers who were competing furiously to control all the lands. There was the Monarch who controlled all those under him with an iron fist and did not allow his followers to think for themselves, The Compassionate leader who allowed his followers to act and do as they wished and even allowed them access to his very own DNA, the Mail carrier faction whom specialized in delivering messages, and the ADD faction who touted the ability to switch quickly from task to task (but not do any of them well)

. The king quickly realized the folly of his ways. He quickly jumped into action and began to make changes to his kingdom in an effort to win back his lost followers, but to his dismay he was already too far behind. Even with the new improvements to his kingdom he was still far behind the other civilizations. I tell this story now from Android land, looking back at the land I once called home. My old home (WM Land) is now a ghetto, populated by the few that either can not leave because of a contract with their king, or have too strong of a sentimental attachment to their homes to realize that they are now in the ghetto.
Before anyone else says it, I'll go ahead and do it.......WTF?