Originally Posted by srjag
Hey guys im new here and really lost. So i want to buy an HTC touch(sprint version) and activate it to work with my metro pcs account. I have a few questions before i buy it. 1). what does reflashing do? 2). how do i activate it to work with my number after reflashing? 3) i guy in my area makes turn by turn gps work on this phone without paying a monthly fee can you guys help me do that? thank you in advance for your help
lets see.
1) If you reflash it, it allows any carrier to use service (provided its CDMA) meaning, you could have it to metro, sprint, verizon bell... etc.
2) All you have to do is call up your provider and they'll usually have step by step directions on how to get your phone onto their service. ALternatively, you could just you into the store and have them flash it.
3) if you want standalone GPS, follow this guide.
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=78560 (it works, i just haven't tried it yet)
If I helped you, just click the little thanks button.

happy flashing.