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Old 12-08-2009, 11:43 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Disaster!

use a blank sd card formatted to fat32 (put card in pc, press start, go to my computer and right click sd card, select format and choose fat32) using winrar on your pc find the stock rom, right click on that. select extract to (what ever the name of the rom is) and it will create a subfolder in the root folder the rom is in. find Signed_RUU.nbh in that folder and change the name to RAPHIMG (without .nbh as the file extension wont change) put the RAPHIMG file on the root of sd card (not inside any folders) and put in device. power up device, it will show tri-colored screen for split second and change to a grey screen showing that you need to press power button to flash.
Evo 3D (broke) waiting on htc one in mail
Galaxy N2

Last edited by jpwhre; 12-08-2009 at 11:47 PM.
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