Originally Posted by rube77
Here are two apps that I have that do similar things that you are asking. The first is Barcorama, it uses the camera to scan barcode then find nearby prices. If you search for that thread on Barcorama you will find how you can change the address it uses so that it uses google to compare local prices.
The other app is called "where is" and you can mark points and it will use maps/gps/satellite whatever you chose to find your point whether it is a parking lot or whatever. As for marking with a picture idk bout that. Hope these help!
Ya thanks for those posts.
I too have never really been one to go crazy over apps, but I agree that Google is so innovative, they find ways to make everything useful. Most of the iphone stuff is fluff, but Android stuff just really reflects Google. I like my tp2 as well, but I feel I might be moving to android eventually.