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Old 12-08-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: [Always Updating][KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23509/28004-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

RZ, do you remember a while back when I said something about the kitchen triggering my AV while extracting the file? Well, anyway I had kind of forgotten about it since it seems to work fine without it. Well, my AV blocked it whatever it was.

It's been brought to my attention due to the kitchen crashing this morning. I doubt it has to do with that, but I figured I'd finally let you know what file it was that was causing the AV issues.

According to Norton's Alert Summary...

Auto-Protect has detected Packed.Generic.230

Risk Category: virus
Definitions version: 2009.12.01.025
Severity: High
Component: Auto-Protect
Status: Blocked
File Name: rz\ext\baseline\4_rz_apps\rz_wi_fi_internet_sharin g_0.9.2.0\files\cminternestsharing.exe

Any thoughts?
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Verizon HTC One M9
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