Originally Posted by sportster44
Tried the OEMizer built into the kitchen and have to admit it's a huge time saver. Is there some way to have the OEMizer install cabs to specific locations (storage card, main, etc)?
You can either write your own Autorun config or just use
TierAutoinstall from the kitchen. It's a ppc app.
All cabs installed with autorun and TierAutoinstall go to device though.
In a ROM all files go to \Windows as "ROM" files, but if you're going to install things elsewhere you'll need to include them in the intiflashfiles.txt (or give them a different destination in OEMizer to do the same thing). Any files copied out of \Windows will be taking up space in both places. If you have cabs that need to be installed to ext_rom or storage card, it's just better to keep them as cab or find out what registry keys and shortcuts you need to have them function again on a hard-reset and add those to your OEM. Some apps you can get away without having to reinstall them if they're already sitting in extrom or storage card.