I may not agree 100% with what saltydawg is saying, but some points are valid:
Android OS continued to grow its market share from 4.2% in 2Q09 to 5.4% in 3Q09. Several operators listed Android devices in 3Q09 for the first time, which helped Android shipments to grow, though consumers steer clear of Google's OS and sell-out is below everyone's expectations.
Consumers recognize the Google brand, but still do not understand what Android is. The lack of devices available didn't help to raise awareness, though this is expected to change, with more handsets from LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, and other vendors hitting the market soon.
Android is still in infancy, people are touting how awesome it is and that it'll destroy windows mobile but globally it's not anywhere near the top, at least not on the same level as Windows Mobile, RIM, or Symbian. Microsoft has bigger fish to fry at this point. Remember, this battle isn't just in the US.
Windows Mobile continued to lose market share, mainly due to Microsoft's strategy of launching all new devices running the new WM6.5 in October and not throughout the summer sales season, which negatively impacted market performance. The new OS is getting good track from operators, and WM market share is expected to improve in 4Q09.
Looks to me like it was more a timing issue due to delay of Windows Mobile 7, and ultimately the mid update with regards to 6.5. The fact that Windows Mobile is expected to improve market share on 6.5 speaks well on its behalf. And we have not even hit windows mobile 7 yet on a global scale.
And the argument about windows mobile losing more if iphone loses exclusivity here in the US, well it goes the same for Android, except Windows has the the business side backing it up. Android right now caters to the same market group as the Iphone.
Again, WinMo is not dead, it really hinges on 2010 Q3-Q4 and what it can bring to the table with Windows Mobile 7. And if HTC keeps their word, they will help Microsoft boost their presence in the business enterprise section with WinMo 7 products and ultimately help WinMo transition into catering for the population that is targetted by iPhone, Android/MotoDroid population.