Originally Posted by mcentreville
I was told over the phone, by a cust serv agent who transferred over from Alltel, that if you're taking advantage of the "early upgrade" option (expires 12-31-09), they will renew your plan for two years, and --- if you ask specifically for it -- they must honor your Alltel plan. But the catch is this is not advertised, and you must know to ask for it. I'm going to do it, but wait till closer to the due date, to get the maximum # of time with my Alltel terms of contract. Good luck!
So, is the 12/31/09 cutoff for all VZW customers who are still on their Alltel plans or just the ones who are close to re-up anyway?
We re-upped in July (a few days before being assimilated) so we could keep our Alltel plan so we won't be eligible for upgrade until 03/11.
breakmyfootoff, are you saying we can upgrade this month, keep our Alltel plan, and pay the upgrade (not full price) for the Droid?