Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
No man, I'm not in the minority. Check the dividends MS is paying their shareholders because their performance consistently beats the quarterly estimates. The information you are reading is incredibly biased against MS, and that is why it seems like it's a fact known by a majority or something.
As for my numbers- you realize that the numbers you posted were citing a drop as compared to the numbers I posted- right? And the numbers I posted (record numbers, I might add) are from well within the products 2 year life cycle. So when you take it all into context, it all adds up to Windows Mobile added more customers than ever last year, and they continue to grow (though the growth has slowed as compared to last year).
I wonder what the growth would have looked like if all the carriers agreed to let current Windows Mobile users who still had more than a year left on their contract, all get a brand new device for $200 just because HTC released a hot new phone less than a year after they bought theirs. Again, that is what AT&T did with iPhone customers. They let them all get the new iPhone for $200- even though they had more than a year left on their current contracts from when they bought their current iPhone. AT&T later started requiring high priced data plans from all of their other smartphone customers to make up for the iPhone subsidy, which is why my GSM Touch Pro 2 is no longer being serviced and I have a Sprint Touch Pro 2 now.
You are kidding me about the dividend as evidence for Windows mobile growth right??? Sigh, please check your facts again. Trust me, Microsofts profit and subsequent divident is NOT from Windows Mobile sales. Also, trust me, 2 year cycle is an eternity in smartphones cycles.
And you tend to make alot of claims about numbers and you make deductions saying... "see it is higher than ever before"... but you never provide any proof.
Believe me, I wish you were right, but links please? Your previous link was from June 2008.
I've actually tried to do some legwork for you by googling "Windows mobile licenses", "Windows mobile all time high"... but come up empty.
In fact, usually the opposite come up. Articles that point to the decline of Winmo. So you can't say that I really am trying to believe you...