Installed it. Very nice job, guys. I'm impressed.
Decided to go back to my unbranded Sprint icons (and use the HTC ones) on a 3-sided for now, because I am familliar with it and don't have time tonight to get it just the way I want with re-mapping and changing some of the icons. But, I will be back when I have more time.
The uninstall went perfectly smooth. I had a backup ready to go - but not needed.
Just as a precaution, I had killed mediahub, quickdial, HTClauncher, etc. - but, I had no problems loading or unloading.
This is very exciting to see these guys' talent and the skills of the community. Again, I will probably be back to it in a bit when I have more time to tweak it to my personal liking. I agree with an earlier poster - that it might be nice to have a solid black background except on the dialer menu. Even so, I appreciate your skill and your time.
Thanks for sharing!