Originally Posted by CHOPS
Spiratically my phone will switch from gprs to gsm for sms service. This usually occurs right after typing a large message, just as murphy's law would have it. I am not sure what is causing this. Usually it takes about a day for this to happen. This is a very annoying problrm and I hope that someone can help me fix it. I am using the Verizon version with stock ROM and some hacks installed like an extended weather database.
is ur phone in global mode or gsm only? also check these setting in the device Goto Start>settings>personal>phone>gsm/umts services>band>get settings
check to see if ur network type is on auto! i leave it there cuz u might be in a hspa area(hspa is the wcdma option) and gsm is gsm! but u might want to hard code ur gsm/umts band to gsm(1900+850) + umts(1900+850)!! that is the band for american gsm!!