12-07-2009, 05:35 PM
Cotton Pickin' Mod
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} MaxManila 2.6 BETA is HERE!!! Full Screen Manila! Works On N
Originally Posted by lynchkj
Damm I posted to quickly!!
Somehow I must not have done a full Manilla reset or "it just didn't take the 1st time"?
Because all of a sudden, now I have colorized Notification icons
just like before. So NPFOE (No Problems Found Operator Error!
I also just discovered the detailed battery info you added!
very nice indeed!
Like I said before its a great product a really excellant piece of coding
now that i have some more time I'll poke around and see if I can provide any usefull feedback.
Thanks again
Kenn Lynch
BTW Can anyone anyone suggest any other Task bars
Of what I've seen Gadgets has been my choice but would like some
kind of more positive and concise indication of various signal strengths
if possible. Of course a nice transparent background is really easy on the eye. But I digress sorry, just looking for something worthy of MaxManilla.
Continued excellance to you
Taskbar's - 6.5 & 6.5.1
Brian's BW Taskbar dafunk_mod WM6.5
¡¡¡¡New Taskbars for 6.5.1!!!All build versions!!!
Color & Black Metal Taskbar
Brain's Taskbar WM6.5 ~ gfreek edition V6 Test 1 03/10/09 - Development Stopped!!