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Old 12-06-2009, 11:45 PM
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Re: HTC Hero... Worth it?

I've been a winmo fan for years and I just had to have the touch pro 2 when it came out and 2 days later I traded it in for the hero and I must say its the biggest mistake I never made android especially with sense seems perfect to me yeah sure there maybe a few shortcomings according to other users but personally I don't care simply because every winmo phone I ever had from the sda to the touch pro 2 it has always been a battle to tweak and hack and flash and when something new comes out do it again. I used to think being a flashoholic was my problem but now I see that the most stable builds were never eyecandy enough even though they did their job very well and the newer stuff is quite buggy until you iron It out. Sorry for just goin on on but the point is winmo is a project os that constantly needs a tune up and this hero compared is everything I wanted out of the box looks great and its htc. I surely still love winmo but its love hate I hope wm7 does great but I'm sticking with android and now I get sleep at night too lol
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