Originally Posted by rorytmeadows
You can go ahead and google it but here you go...
No dedicated keyboard
Additional memory capabilities
More carrier/network options
Built-in Office support
Network integration (with a Windows-dominant business network model)
Easy for Windows-cert IT groups to be able to customize options (for example, IT departments for some companies are asked to turn off camera options or turn off GPS options for a phone all together before they hand them out to employees)
and the list goes on...
Well you can scratch the additional memory off considering the iphone comes with WAY more memory than our phones to begin with. Two, a lot of people dont need a physical keyboard. I hardly ever even use mine even though I have one. I'll give you the carrier thing even though it can be used on at&t and t-mobile.. or any other gsm network. The rest of that really is just geared towards the business clientele... which the majority of people that buy cell phones arent. I have office and havent used it not once.