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Old 12-06-2009, 09:17 PM
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Re: Mini Beta 5 ( One Cab Install)

Originally Posted by lexluthor View Post
What "address" issue are you referring to?
It's the one I mentioned above, where if you click in the address field the Opera Mini 5 beta 2 shuts down. It was resolved by removing all my bookmarks.

Any the issue with JZSmartmort isn't due to his script. It's a problem with Opera Mini. It's the same thing with my hardware keyboard. If I want to type 1 on my hardware keyboard, I have to hit the one key multiple times as it cycles though various symbols.
Yeah there are still a few issues with this beta of Opera Mini, but they are few and minor. I have resumed using it as my full-time browser and no longer use Opera Mobile 10 beta 2 (too slow and too much data consuming in comparison).
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