I've got 2 very under-rated recommendations.
1)Logitech wireless ipod headphones... these sound great (as good or better than moderately priced wired headphones), cheap, and although they are not advertised as such, are really using bluetooth A2DP under the hood so you can toss the ipod adaptor it comes with and just pair them with your WinMo phone!
The only catch is that they recalled the design because they snap in half under too much pressure. Because of the recall/manufacturing defect, they have been clearing out and can be picked up for around $30 (I bought mine for $25 from woot.com a while back).
I've been careful with mine, and they've lasted almost 2 years already. Great deal for the money.
Oh, and they don't support phone calls. These are music only.
2)I.Tech R35. These were the first available a2dp adapters that allow you to use your OWN HEADPHONES. Its sort of a clip that can attach to your shirt, and has a standard 3.5mm stereo jack on it, as well as a mic for taking calls, and controls for your music on the clip. The advantage to this is that if you don't like the way the earphones sound, you can plug in your own higher-quality ones! Or, plug them into your home stereo like I do for true wireless music in your living room!
Techcitement.com - I write for these guys pretty regularly. A Blog about tech that makes people excited.
Diary of a Mobile Enthusiast - My personal blog... haven't had time to update it.... *sigh*
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