Originally Posted by tom6433
i had to do a flash dance last night and then reflashed this rom. i don't know what happened but after about 2 weeks it kept hanging and the KB would act like a key was held in all the time. so i would be typing and i would get something like thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss but it wouldn't stop, so soft reset. opera kept hanging as well. sometimes the sms tone would not go off. the main issue i had was when using the hardware kb in replying to a text sometimes i would not work causing me to have to use the onscreen one. the kb would work elsewhere on the phone just fine, but i use my phone 90% of the time for texting so it got to be annoying quick.
i like opera 10 but is there any way to get it to not be recognized as a mobile device? i don't see it as an option in settings.
anyone get mms to work?
I just went through that on touch pro #5. It started with the "key getting stuck" and within 2 weeks the kb just crapped out completely. You find the right repair center and as was said before, you could get a tp2 as a replacement. It all depends on the store, tech, manager, etc...but it is still possible. Good luck.