Originally Posted by Nolimittodis
I put mobile shell o the rom, but now i cant get rid of the start bar at the bottom of the screen, how do i disable it so i can use the buttons in mobile shell? I also like this rom alot and thanks.
The overlay of the WM6.5 taskbar on MS3.5 is probably because a version of Showcase by amarullz is installed or burned into your ROM. Deleting startup links to either PositionFix.lnk or ShowcaseSuite.lnk to terminate Showcase is a drastic measure...but I used to do it as well until I discovered the following:
If you want to prevent the WM6.5 taskbar from overlaying the MS3.5 home screen, try the following registry edit (depending upon which version of Showcase is burned into your ROM).
Look for the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\e-Natives Technology.
If you have a folder named WM65xFix, you have an early version of Showcase_X. Open the folder...you should have a key called "WindowClasses" that has "Manila;RESCO_EXPLORER_CLASS" as the text value. DELETE the text "Manila;" (and add "RESCO_REGISTRY_CLASS" separted by a semi-colon if you use Resco Registry Editor). Soft Reset. This should take care of the overlay problem.
If you have a folder named Showcase you have the latest version called "ShowcaseSuite". Open the folder...you should have a key called "SUITE_PositionFix_WinClasses" that has a text value of "Manila;RESCO_EXPLORER_CLASS". Delete the text "Manila" and the semi-colon. (Add the value for Resco Registry Editor as above if you use the program) Soft Reset. This should take care of the overlay! NOTE: If you want the "X" icon to CLOSE the program rather than minimize, change the dword value of the key "SUITE_CloseOnTap" to the value of number 1.
Finally, if you have the older version of Showcase_X burned into your ROM and want to upgrade to
ShowcaseSuite, terminate Showcase_X as described by nimrocket. Reboot. Use Remove Programs (if you can) to uninstall e-Natives Showcase. Reboot. Install ShowcaseSuite. Make registry edits.
If you don't see Showcase in your uninstall list, again terminate by removing PositionFix.lnk from your startup folder. Reboot. Re-Install Showcase_X available from
here (same as link above). Use Remove Programs to uninstall. Reboot. Install ShowcaseSuite. Make registry edits.
[edit] Added two .cab files as attachments. If you aren't comfortable making registry edits, use ONE of the attached .cab files depending upon which version of Showcase you have installed.
Use the WM65xFix.cab if you have the older Showcase_X installed. Use Showcase.cab if you have ShowcaseSuite installed. [/edit]
WM65xFix.cab (430 Bytes, 152 views)
Showcase.cab (438 Bytes, 54 views)
hope this helps, taken from mskip FAQs: