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Old 12-06-2009, 02:49 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} MaxManila 2.6 BETA is HERE!!! Full Screen Manila! Works On N

more updates on bugs

Originally Posted by skyandsand
But there's still one thing I would like to see in next Max Manila version: The possibility to set a wallpaper for the home tab only. Tried different settings-combinations with HDWall and Max Manila, but nothing did work.
This is the default manila feature. It's easy to add but does anyone else wants it? It also means more time and work for me.

Originally Posted by sandymac
1. Sorry didn't mention that I am using a Touch HD as I assumed that this was obvious in that it is a Blackstone thread. I don't know what you mean by my settings not being right. I have tried everything and still get the same result (no shortcuts on Home Page). I have set Calendar to 1C - tried all others and still the same. Shortcuts set to 16. I actually prefer this given that the swipe function is now so fast!
2. Agreed, having reset and waited all appears to work normally with a single touch opening the start menu.
3. I am not sure if this is a fault of your update of just my phone but haven't tried again as I don't have a need to use the Lite version.

Keep up the excellent work
1. Why doesn't it show? Do you have ALERT set as either NS or S?

Originally Posted by jaguaralani
Maxycy, V2.6 is just awesome !
wonderful job, taking off the animation was a brilliant idea, it is as speedy as a ferrari swiping now !
thanx alot

only 2 things to mention:

1-wouldn't it be easier if u set the setting throug ha setting icon in the start menu ?
2- Do you know what I really miss?? It is the weather toggle through the left upper corner clickm is there anyway to get it back? can I replace a file from an older version to get it back ???

Thank you again for the wonderful job
BTW, I guess it is time to call the next version as V3, right ?
1. That will be 2 press away. What makes an UI useful is when you can access wt a press of a button.
2. Doubt I will change this back.

Originally Posted by barty22
2.6 works great, thank you so much! Other than the few things already mentioned, this is what is bothering me:
- Low quality notification icons (known fact, but on a high res screen this really is totally off putting)
- Is there a way to re enable the animation? I loved it, and it was super smooth on my HD2. Now I totally miss it...

Full screen mode bugs:
-when sliding between home screen tabs, the black transparent 'fullscreen' overlay is not full screen (it doesn't reach to the top of the screen)
-the lower and top windows bar sometimes blink into the screen when navigating to other tabs. Especially when sliding back to the "home" home screen tab.
-is there a way to *always* enable the display of the tabs bar?
regards, bart
- wt regards to low quality icons, guess you never read through the thread. Do not complain about graphics bcos this is not my strength and there are already a lot of mods out there fm many talented skinners that you can use.
- wt regards to scrolling the shortcuts, you can't please everybody. This layout is optimized for Touch HD. Sorry.
- Full screen mode is disable and enable when you scroll through different tabs. This is due to other default scripts doing that. I will not go through every single scripts in manila to fix that.

Last edited by bignadad; 12-06-2009 at 02:51 PM.
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