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Old 12-06-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Why is TP2 better than iphone

Originally Posted by asbestos View Post
This is another point I get a kick out of. The iphone can be jailbroken and the custimization level is no different than a Windows Mobile phone, period. There are ways to theme it, change icons, change the way the springboard (think desktop) shows icons. In fact, there are some pretty cutting edge stuff out there that is right up there with sense ui from HTC.

Before anyone says "yah, but you have to jailbreak it in order to do that" quit being the kettle calling the pot black. Here we sit on one of the more popular Windows Mobile hacking sites and if you have ever put a custom ROM on your phone, you are basically doing the same thing as jailbreaking.

Look, there are good things about most smartphones out there. One day, we will all be able to accept that different people use different devices for different reasons.
Yea but you wanna know something about that whole jailbreaking thing? Iphone users are so smug that they believe the spew of bs that comes out of apples mouth such as it just works. If it just works, why would someone need to jailbreak their phone? Face it. There are limitations and bad things associated with using an iphone and not just all at&ts fault. Everyone knows this so quit trying to justify it.
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