Older Versions of MaxManila
MaxManila 2.6
Notes From Developer on New Release...
Pls note that this version is in no way completed yet due to my assignments at work is getting more hectic. However, I believe it is also good to first release it so that there are more people out there can help me to detect the issues and bugs that I may have overlooked. There are a couple of requests which I promised to do but have not find the time to do them yet like for example adjusting the notification icons pixels and VGA support. The NRGZ ROM incompatibility has caused me a lot of time here but I've finally arrived to a single cab for all ROMs (keeping my fingers crossed). I've this cab tested on both NRGZ 21XXX and XannyTech 2.2 latest ROMs without any problem. So, pls be patient as I'm not done wt it yet and there will be more things to come.
What has changed vs v2.5? I will only list the major stuff here bcos there are just too many. I'd practically overhauled the entire layout almost fm scratch.
1. Scrolling animation removed completely for the sake of speed. I have simplified the pages which means a single swipe to get there as well. There's only 2 screens as shown below MAIN and SETTINGS. Here's how it works now.
- Bottom/Up : Toggle shortcuts expansion
- Left/Right : Toggle between SETTINGS and MAIN page
2. Full and Lite option. When you first load, you will go into full mode. For the LITE version, I've removed most of the stuff except leaving the animation on demand and clock array in. The shorcuts number will follow exactly what you had selected in full. So, in a way some of the settings are shared between full and lite. If this is too much, let me know and I will remove everything to bare minimum.
- from FULL to LITE, go to SETTINGS page and press LITE button
- from LITE to FULL, press TOP CENTER
3. Normal screen mode changes (FULL mode)
For the top, only works in home tab
- Top Right : now activates battery info
- Top Left : toggle weather animation
- Top Center : cycle clock array
For the bottom, works in all tabs when retractable tab icon is activated
- Bottom Left : navigates to home page
- Bottom Right : navigates to settings page
- Bottom Center : activates the retracted tab icons
Under LITE mode, the functions are as below.
- Top Right : cycle clock array
- Top Left : toggle weather animation
- Top Center : back to FULL mode
4. Fullscreen only works for MS build 21XXX and not 28XXX. I've not finished the bottom softkey for all tabs yet, so for this release, I've only included for the home page.
- Top Right : activates Start Menu
- Top Left : activates battery info ( battery icons appeared, thks to DJCedric for the icons ). Pls note that the battery indicator only goes in steps ( limitation in the manila code )
- Top Center : activates clock array
For the bottom part, it is now been replaced wt workable softkeys as in the normal screen.
5. Settings Page, a lot of new additions here vs 2.5
a. Titanium - change to Titanium UI ( to get back to TF3D, you can MaxTTM and do a TRefresh or the usual manual way of activating your Today items )
b. Goldfish - activates my goldfish program ( cab needs to be downloaded on post#4 to work )
c. Lite - this is where you change to your Lite mode
d. Analog - activates single large analog screen ( everything now removed on main screen )
e. Resolution - WVGA or VGA ( VGA not ready yet, I will need feedback and testers fm VGA users before I can get this done )
f. Mute - OFF / Silent / Vibrate ( phone volume profile settings when you phone is face down )
g. AutoLock - toggle on/off when phone is faced upside down
h. Alert - this is the layout settings for your notification and shortcuts. There is altogether 4 types.
- OFF : nothing will show on screen
- NS : both notification and shortcuts on screen
- S : only shortcuts is showing
- N : only notification is showing
i. Tab Icons - toggle on/off the retractable tab icons ( only works for normal screen )
j. Slider - toggle on/off the transparent slider effect ( pls note that NRGZ ROM for HD had permanently ON this )
k. Rotate - this has not finished yet. I've not decided what to put here but it's basically a quick way to access something by rotating your phone to 270deg when it's activated
l. Fullscreen - this is where you toggle your fullscreen mode. Pls note that this setting will also be remembered and will automatically turn your mode to fullscreen when you boot in.
m. Wallpaper - I have not changed much here from v2.5 except that panoramic has now been removed and replaced by fullscreen wallpaper. So you will still have BG4all, Fullscreen and Default. For fullscreen wallpaper, I'm using the same filename MaxBackground.jpg and have a resolution of 480x800 instead.
n. Weather - toggle on/off your weather animation
o. Calendar - this is where you set your number of appointments and call history
- 0 : no appointments will be shown
- 1 : will show Calendar icon (one appointment)
- 1C : will show Calendar icon and Call History
- 2 : will show 2 appointments ( only appears if you have active appointments )
- 3 : will show 3 appointments
p. Shortcuts : added the 12 shortcuts. You can cycle through 12/16/20.
Pls note this is a massive change to v2.5 and I will never be able to iron out all bugs especially wt so many ROMS available. So in order to make this a bug free version, pls give your feedback in an organized manner or it will be difficult for me to understand and debug them.
1. Tell me which ROM and phone you are having
2. Pls describe in details the problem that you are seeing. Use the same terms that I am using
3. Screenies are most welcome
Pls also give your input on the below items
1. Notification icons - I'm pretty fixed on height of 55 ( no more space ) but should I go back to 55 on width as well? Change files from manila to png?
2. Wallpapers - I'm still using the old manila files for default. Any changes needed?
3. VGA support - I will need screenshots of v2.6 on your phone and volunteers for testing
4. Bottom softkey for fullscreen mode - I can add nice graphics here as in HTC Hero. Let your imaginations run wild. Inputs from skinners are welcome