Originally Posted by asbestos
This is another point I get a kick out of. The iphone can be jailbroken and the custimization level is no different than a Windows Mobile phone, period.
I have a second gen 16 gig ipod touch that is jail broken & I absolutely love the thing. It is a
MUCH better music/multimedia player etc. than my TP2.
I am not much of a gamer, but I do love to play NFS Undercover g-sen occasionally when I'm killing time at work & for some reason the ipod version is 1000 times better game than the WM version (I use both). The ipod Pandora app is also awesome.
If I could figure out a way to make phone calls from the ipod on my Verizon account, I would use it all the time as a second phone.
I absolutely love the TP2 & that would still be my #1 phone hands down, but I could definitely find a use for both...........