12-06-2009, 06:25 AM
Location: Southern California
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Re: Tips for creating .XML files to provision special settings during customization
Additional notes and tips:
- In order to store your password for your email accounts you will have to edit the output'ed xml file and add the following line directly after <parm name="AUTHNAME" value="your@gmail.com"/>
right click on the file and click edit to open it with notepad
- ...You may have to edit the xml for htc account manager with your proper password for facebook, twitter, youtube if you want that stored the same way, just look in the xml for the password line for each
- ...In the zip I posted in the original post I included a folder called 001 default_editable RapiConfigIn. You can edit RapiConfigIn.xml within that folder to provision anything else you like off your device. An example what to change if you wanted to backup a lot of your Manila settings would be to insert this into that file:
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic-query type="HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila" recursive="true"/>
- ...It would help us all alot if you know where any other special locations are that we commonly forget to backup and post the wap-provisioningdoc code here so we can all benefit later so please add your tweaks to this thread too

- If you get an error when provisioning the XML files it is because for some odd reason the created xml's adds a few odd characters to the beginning of the xml: "  ". You won't be able to view these characters nor edit this out with notepad so download XML Marker and use that tool to do the editing, just open the xml, remove "? and save and it will work perfect now.
Last edited by t0mmyr; 12-07-2009 at 04:56 AM.