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Old 12-06-2009, 04:32 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by nelsont509 View Post
Love the rom, Mighty !!!!

**One thing though, when receiving a call, before it rings, the red and white notification box at the bottom (like when you have text preview on) kinda freaks out, flashing on and off. I can't quite make out what it says. After it gets done however, it seems to start ringing like normal, Love the slide to answer or ignore, BTW!! Just wondering if I'm missing a call notification somewhere to maybe disable that.

Mad, MAD, SkillZ!! Again, thank you MightyMike!!! =D>
i haven't heard of anyone else having that problem. it must be something you installed or maybe you didn't do a hard reset after flashing?