Originally Posted by lobbdude
Are you expecting that Max 2.6 will resolve that issue?
I have become somewhat **I am not addicted**, ummmmm taken with you work. Pondered last night rolling back to a max 2.5 compatible ROM and decided to try and soldier on until 2.6 comes out.
Will 2.6 be compatible with 2.5.19211? I have been checking the board for your update every night this last week with crossed fingers that you would have 2.6 uploaded ;^)
My sig line needs updated as I am running the 12/4 leo 21877
well to be honest i thought maxmanila 2.6 would be here already, but i would expect it will hopefully be tomorrow if not later tonight.
i am running
and i miss maxmanila so so much... really don't want to go back to any other ROM because energy rom is just so detailed and well made.....
they just posted a fix for energy rom saying you could install the maxmanila premium v1.5c and then install manmanila ultimate 2.5
someone says they got it working BUT i tried with no success and same outcome. once you touch a tab from home screen manila locks up....
i would try and hold out.....