ActiveSync Issue?
Greetings. I have a Treo Pro and I'm trying to configure it with Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC). I've noticed that when I plug it in, the WMDC loads up, which is fine, and the drive letter also appears, which is fine. The one thing that concerns me, however, is regarding internet. I don't have a tethering plan, and thus, I don't want to have tethering working. I've noticed, however, that when I have the phone plugged into the computer, it gets its internet from the computer. I tested this by turning off my computer's wifi, which then makes the phone display a 404 when on the Internet.
Is this working the way it's intended? I don't want to get charged if it's tethering with my laptop. I'd rather it just charge the phone, and allow me to copy files to it, while leaving the Internet alone. Is it possible for it to do this? I'd like to be able to use the data connection on the phone, without touching the Internet on the PC.