Originally Posted by siptang1227
Downloaded a video through this and my hero won't play the file.. any thoughts on this? Do i have to change some settings or something?
"meridian" will play ur vids.. its in the market place... can i ask, are u using youtube downloader with firefox? if you download it to the toolbar, itll show up as a film icon. click on it, and follow steps... but it will literally download and save any video to ur phone, in mp4, in less than 30 seconds! i still cant believe it! hope this helps... Remember to click on "youtube downloader" in the right column:::
http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=Cx9ikmfIaS8HxG4-YlQe83YBO9eiTvwH1-bqOEY36u4cFEAEgsO_3BigJUKWI0un5_____wFgyZ7Yh-ijoBWgAameiusDyAEBqQLSSbiirseRPqoEHk_QUMmXDAty2igw _gNdi-b9EhbMc5ygU8zvmnP9Mw&num=1&sig=AGiWqty38eQkE3_TJhm UqGtTJVMhU6Edgw&q=http://TVNeto.com/download/youtube.php