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Old 12-05-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Verizon Tethering (Imagio)

Don't know about the Bluetooth option with Internet Sharing, but I can confirm I've made it through one billing cycle using both IntShrUI.exe and Tom Codon's WiFi Sharing. No extra fees have appeared on my bill despite the fact that my data usage jumped from ca 200MB to 2000MB (watching Netflix, Hulu, etc).

Also, I called my local Verizon store today, and the sales rep, who's friendly with me, mentioned the 5GB cap before extra fees. He indicated that Verizon will likely notify me if I reach an overage, but I wouldn't stake my life on this...

As far as the two approaches to tethering go, I can say that I get a more consistent connection using the cable. This is not surprising to me since the WiFi radio inside the Imagio is likely many times weaker than my Linksys router at home. With the cable tether I get consistent speeds of 700kbps and bursts above 1mbps. Nice!
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