Originally Posted by FoxRacR17
Love my hero, but one thing that is driving me absolutely F***ING crazy is they onscreen keyboard. If ANYTHING is happing in the backing it is slow as molasses and almost painful to type one because it takes forever for it to recognize what i pressed, and sometimes it even thinks that i'm holding the screen button down and will put in the "?" or whatever is the secondary icon for that key. I can tell when i'm getting a text when i'm typing because all the above will start to happen for about 5-10 seconds and then finally it will tell me i have a text and the keyboard will start acting normal again. Am I the only one with this issue? Havent seen anyone else talk about it.
Exact same problem. I have one with HTC on back. Also I am using Handcent which I am pretty sure causes this. When I wasn't using it I didn't have this problem.