Originally Posted by jesuspgt
1: There are a couple of things you could be referring to as far as I can tell. There's first off the built-in shutter sound effect when taking a photo; to get rid of it go to the camera > Menu button > Settings > uncheck the box for "Shutter Sound."
The other thing that I believe you might be referring to is the actual physical lens sounds. Those are normal and are basically due to the fact that it's an actual auto-focus camera, which means that there are physical lens elements that move around in order to focus. This occurs when .........
Thanks for that post!
The camera thing is normal, I was just worried that it may be some sort of defect or something, but it's cool.
Dust is something that is not severe, but being a new phone, I'd rather have it to be in the best condition possible aside of any other physical abuse.
I did go through my phone again, I had my Facebook linked and it was set to update every 2 hrs, I changed that to manually update since I never really checked on it anyway. I use the Gmail app for mail. And uninstalled HandcentSMS to reverted back to the Messaging app. I do have Advanced Task Killer installed and used that, with all above settings, my phone awake time was around always 25%. But I did uninstall Adv Task Killer to see what might change. Phone has been fully updated as well.
What I meant by choppiness is that th light sensor is too dark. It just wouldn't set the brightness properly in certain conditions.