Re: My Holy Grail of TP2 hack-question... Wifi Networking with PS3???
I emailed HTC earlier this week about their custom built Wifi Internet Sharing program that I have seen in the past and I believe might be native on some devices (but not my Touch Pro 2 I activated this week)... and they said it was a Wireless Access Point, NOT an Ad-Hoc!?!? How is this possible... if this were true, it would solve all the problems of internet connectivity and sharing between gaming consoles and cell phones.
I Googled several times, but couldn't find any trustworthy current release downloads of the HTC program, I haven't heard back from their support staff how to download the .CAB file directly to my TP2 yet though, couldn't find the software on their website. I wonder why this app is more well-known? It's made by HTC specifically for their own phones, and it does what Walking Hot Spot and WM Wifi Router both do, for FREE.